"simply fresher, smoother, younger"

Volume treatment Augmentation

It is always an advantage to be well padded in the face. If the padding underneath melts in your face, it looks haggard, sad. This can improve this very easy. All substances that I use to build, off again. This is an important safety feature for you. Thus, a nodule formation can be avoided.

Which substances come into consideration?

Body fat or hyaluronic acid or Radiesse. Volume therapy is an ambulant procedure. Either the skin is treated with a numbing cream (about 20 minutes), but applied a half-sleep. The shelf life of hyaluronic acid is between 6-9 months, depending on the region. Each game in the sunken face can be relined. After treatment, it may cause a temporary bruising and swelling. I recommend you to conduct when you have a free weekend.

Autologous fat
The body fat is a wonderful substance. It is very well suited for the treatment of wrinkles and in particular for the treatment volume. Patients who already planning a liposuction may prepare the "sucked fat". Liposuction is not planned, this may be obtained especially for wrinkles and volume treatment. The recovered fat is introduced by blunt finer needles. Here too, as in the hyaluronic acid, it can be introduced as the skin Booster (liquid film) under the skin. A significant advantage of the possibility of the grease volume treatment. By distributing many small fat droplets, they are supplied with blood from the surrounding tissue well. This increases the longevity of the fat cells. When treated with body fat it can always get bruises and swelling temporarily. This can be well covered with camouflage. I like to use body fat in conjunction with a facelift. The combination allows me to combine the tightening of the muscles on one hand and the padding of the tissue on the other hand, especially where the facelift does not attack. So you have a nicer result in a session. The longevity of fat is approximately 2 years. It can be repeated ambulatory at any time to remain the beautiful result.

What can be treated?

With hyaluronic acid I can treat both superficial wrinkles and sunken areas. The combination seems to me the most sense: support at depth and the tissue surface to create a film of moisture on the skin brightener.

Upper face hollows above and below the eyelids, and hollows in the temporal area just outside of the eyebrows, frown lines
Lower face lips, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, cheek, pre- and post jaw lines, soften the chin fold
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